




A R T I S T S 



"We strive for a quality gallery that will reflect the roots

of our 100-year history.

Family within art & exhibitions by Lienhart family

from Switzerland & Sweden"

- Hanna & Patrik Lienhart

(today we represent from selected artists & sell art within Sweden & international)

Art gallery located in Old town, Stockholm


Our visitors & clients
Claudio Simatovic

Bara bra saker att säga om galleriet. Vi hade tänkt att göra det enda rätta, och köpa svensk konst. Då kom vi till Gallery Lienhart och blev helt tagna. Gå dit och bli tagna ni också ⭐️👍⭐️

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Only good things to say about the gallery. We had intended to do the only right thing, and buy Swedish art. Then we came to Gallery Lienhart and were completely taken. Go there and get caught too ⭐️👍⭐️

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7 månader sedan
Dan Song

Very nice gallery in the heart of Stockholm old town. It has an intimate atmasphere. Hanna the gallerist is so warm as a person, and I really enjoyed discussions with here about the paintings and can see her sincere love of the art. Highly recommend!

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7 månader sedan

Ett snyggt galleri med avslappnad stämning i vackra Gamla Stan. Jag har precis sett en utställning med en spännande blandning av målningar, skulpturer och fotografier. Väl värt ett besök!

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A stylish gallery with a relaxed atmosphere in beautiful Gamla Stan. I have just seen an exhibition with an exciting mix of paintings, sculptures and photographs. Well worth a visit!

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7 månader sedan
Henrik pettersson

Galleriet med det lilla extra , denna upplevelse är unik då den har det där känslan man får av en upplevelse som både skapar känslor & intryck på samma gång. Det personliga engagemanget blir därför starkt då dom som driver och skapade denna oas i den finaste delen utav Stockholm ger det där som många andra saknar på en utställning. Besök detta galleri och få några utav dom må ga tipsen och inlevelsen som bara denna fina familj kan ge.

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The gallery with the little extra, this experience is unique as it has that feeling you get from an experience that both creates feelings & impressions at the same time. The personal commitment is therefore strong when those who run and created this oasis in the finest part of Stockholm provide what many others lack at an exhibition. Visit this gallery and get some of them the tips and insight that only this fine family can give.

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7 månader sedan
Kerstin Perski

Gallery Lienhart is an oasis in the heart of the old city of Stockholm. My path crossed that of the owners Patrik and Hanna last Sunday when my third book "The book of nights and days" published by Virens publishing house was released here. While the december darkness slowly descended outside, a reading of excerpts from the book and discussion with the head of the Baltic centre for writers and translators was carried out in the beautiful and cozy gallery.The audience seemed to feel at home from the very first minute in this intimate and elegant space. Thank you Patrik and Hanna for making this december afternoon so magical!

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1 år sedan
Marianne Eriksson

Om Gallery Lienhart: När man stiger in i galleriet möts man av en välkomnande värme. Hanna och Patrik skapar tillsammans med utställarna en atmosfär som ger upplevelsen av konstverken det där lilla extra. Intrycken får tankarna att vandra i olika riktningar.
Detta är ett galleri där man vill stanna länge. /Lena O

(Translated by Google)
About Gallery Lienhart: When you enter the gallery, you are met by a welcoming warmth. Together with the exhibitors, Hanna and Patrik create an atmosphere that gives the experience of the artworks that little something extra. The impressions make the mind wander in different directions.
This is a gallery where you want to stay for a long time. / Lena O

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2 månader sedan

A family history from 1916 - 2023

Lives on and builts on ...

Family founded - Lienhart family from Schweiz  in art (100 years)

Partner - Collaboration with art for

Hôtel Reisen - The Unbound Collection

by Hyatt